Protocol, Press and Public Relation Unit

Fatima Bappare
Head, Protocol, Press & Public Relation Unit
The unit is under the direct supervision of the office of the Executive Secretary and has among other things, a wide range of activities which fall within the framework of the Commission.
To operate a result-oriented Press and Public Relations Unit that is media friendly, open to the Commissions various Public and committed to achieving desirable image within the sphere of its set objectives
To ensure a sustainable mutual relationship with the media, public and the Commission through effective service delivery.
New Media.
1. Publicity of Programmes and Activities.
- Collates, process and disseminates information that project the activities of the Commission to the publics.
- Handles the advertising aspect of the Commission’s programs and activities not covered by the media relations.
- Takes charge of corporate image management for the Commission.
- Maintain effective and adequate media relations.
2. Publications of Programmes, Policies and Activities
i. Plans and executions of nationwide circulation of internal publications.
ii. Maintains a mini-library where valuable materials both external and internal are kept and can be retrieved from the archives.
iii. Serves as the editorial engine room for the Commission’s publications.
iv. Coordinates the Commission’s publications emanating from various States.
3. New Media.
i. The Unit is responsible for communicating with the Commission’s stakeholders through computer generated tools using social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, email etc.
Functions of the Unit
Press and Public Relation
- Ensure that the Executive Secretary and the Commission are promoted positively to the general public and in the media.
- Monitoring Press reports and broadcasts (radio/TV) and all shades of public opinion and reactions to the Commission’s plans, policies, programs, projects and achievements.
- Daily compilation of press comments in the newspapers about the Commission, and saving the clips to save as data bank for the Commission activities, as reflected in the print media.
- Projecting the programs, and activities of the Commission through features articles, documentary and photographs, inhouse journals, posters and brochures
- Creating public awareness and promoting understanding of the Commission activities through: Media Relations.
- Press invitation
- Organizing Press Briefing
- Organizing Press Conferences and
Issuance of Press Releases. - Advert booking: inserting in the Mass Media all advertisements, Jingles and announcements of the Commission.
- Purchase e.g. Newspapers for the office of the Executive Secretary and Heads of Departments.
- Organizing and covering of familiarization tours and facility visit especially a tour of important Media Houses in order to ensure a good public image for the Commission.
- Ensuring a good coverage for Commission’s tours;
- In charge of Commission Portraits and curriculum vitae of the Executive Secretary.
- Takes charge of all the Press activities of the Commission including video coverage, photographs for all major events and album production.
- Issuing rejoinders when the need arises on any adverse publications on the activities of the Commission and answering press enquiries.
- Installing and maintaining complaints and suggestion boxes and photo-news box
- Preparing Annual Budget to the Unit.
- Attending Units meeting when the need arises; and any
- Any other functions as may be assigned by the Executive Secretary of the Commission.
- Planning for and coordinating all official and local travels of the Executive Secretary (NSSEC) Directors and other (NSSEC) Staff.
- Processing of air ticket for all travels both local and international trips
- Processing Note-Verbal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for all overseas travel (NSSEC) and Nigerian Secondary Education officials
- Processing Official Passports for the Commission’s staff
- Transportation arrangements for (NSSEC) Board members during official meetings
- Arranging of reception for Executive Secretary, Board Members and other (NSSEC) staff
- Providing catering services during meetings
- Processing of Visa and other documents from the Embassy
- Processing yellow fever card from the Ministry of Health
- Exchanging of the currency to suits the country of destination