Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Department – NSSEC

To serve as the nerve-centre for the effective administration, strategic management, and deployment of the Commission’s human capital and resources towards achieving its goals and objectives.
The Human Resource Management Department is responsible for:
Strategic management of the Commission’s human capital through Talent Management, recruitment, compensation, benefits, and employee welfare.
Learning and skills development for staff.
Ensuring the optimal deployment of administrative and general services.
Structure and Functions of the Department
1. Appointment, Promotion, and Discipline Division
Documentation and posting of newly recruited staff.
Regularizing and gazetting staff appointments.
Handling staff transfers and preparation of promotion briefs.
Addressing appeals and petitions from staff.
2. Establishment and Records Division
Maintaining a Nominal Roll and other staff records.
Handling the Registry functions.
3. Training and Staff Welfare Division
Providing staff training and professional development.
Managing compensation, benefits, and rewards for staff.
Fostering employee welfare and overseeing learning and skills development.
4. General Service/Store Division
Managing the payment of bills (water, electricity, etc.) for the Commission.
Overseeing fuel imprest for project vehicles.
Providing mail services and ensuring the protection of staff and property.
Maintaining office premises, including supervision of cleaning services.
Processing staff requests for office accommodation, furniture, and equipment.
Compiling departmental reports and handling general administration tasks.
Training Plan for 2022
Project/Programs for the Year 2022
Recruitment of new staff.
Establishment of zonal offices.
Ongoing training of NSSEC staff.
The Human Resource Management Department is pivotal in ensuring that the NSSEC is staffed with qualified and motivated personnel, with ongoing professional development and efficient management of human resources across the Commission.